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Co-exist (the first three campgrounds)

For whatever reason, I was not built to play well with others. Whether socially conditioned over the years or just innately introverted, I thrive on quiet and solitude, and much like my own father (sorry, dad), I tend to get annoyed easily by the behaviors and, most especially, noises of others. Not a flattering quality, I assure you. However, this absolute passion for the solitary life has an upside – it makes it easy to pull up roots and head on down the avenue a piece.

When I began my meditation practice a couple of years ago, the patterns and habits of my mind started to become somewhat clear to me. I learned that I was clinging to a notion that I had to protect myself and that pretty much everything I thought or did had to do with, well…me. Along with my uncanny ability to became annoyed so easily, I also saw that I was highly skilled at making it everyone else’s fault that I was annoyed. Poor little old me (PLOM). I found that I had created an isolated life that kept me safely tucked away from much human interaction, or sound for that matter.

My meditation and reflection practices flourished under such sequestered conditions! However, whenever I took my practice out on the road (or to the grocery store), I was a big flop. Habits and patterns flying around everywhere, bouncing off cashiers and into customers. Where was this steadiness of mind I had been so carefully cultivating?

When I sold my home and moved into The Ramper, my intention was set – I was going to become less annoyed by other people (and animals) and embrace this controversial and chaotic world with a more open and gentle heart. The universe was in agreement – let’s give this woman something to practice.

Community of Consciousness – Week 1


My first campground was a pagan paradise. Located in Hudson, Florida and set apart from the more densely populated neighborhoods, the land was at once haunting and serene. With a labyrinth, fairy garden and trails which looped around discs of fielded water, and given I was the only camper there for most of the week, I wanted to love it. And, I really, really wanted to love the neighbor dog that barked intermittently throughout the day, but really got down to it from 10 p.m. to around 4 a.m. Even through earplugs and headphones, I could hear the little bugger. Even in between rounds of neighborly gunfire and fireworks, oh yes, his voice was heard. Nevertheless, I walked around smiling, I calmly left for the day, I sent beams of radiant positive love his way, and most of all – I didn’t yell or leave in a huff until my time was up. Hey, I even meditated at campground #1.

Citra Royal Palm RV Park – Week 2


Oh, sweet universe. This place will have its own special blog post at some point. I had booked this campsite for two weeks and have to give kudos to the owner for refunding most of my stay when I left after only three nights. Citra Royal Palm is a tight knit community of mostly permanent RV, trailer, and tiny home set-ups right on the edge of the other-worldly Orange Lake, Florida. Here you will find salt/y-of-the-earth people who truly take care of one another, and you, if you’ll let them. My site was remote and set apart from the main RV park, the vast savannah of a lost lake stretching beyond the rim of land behind me in tangled, primeval weirdness. I was steps away from the abyss. I was inspired (and a little creeped out) by the jungle and the green moats of swamp that cut inland and I could feel the desolation that lay beyond. Here, I felt, I could meditate and write. And, I did. For one day. My second full day saw the start of the weeks-long chain sawing and leaf blowing project that began in celebration of my arrival.

Orange Lake

Location undisclosed as I may be staying FOREVER – Week 2 cont’d & onward


Yeah. I’m never leaving this place. When things fell apart at campground #2, I watched my mind as carefully as I could and steadied my response in an attempt to just let things be as they were. Refund or no, I would be open and gentle. And, I was! (Okay, Okay…I came closer than usual.) After googling “where to next?” I recalled an offer that had been extended from someone in the SUV/Car camping facebook group I had joined. All it took was a message, and the next day I became the newest member of the tribe.

A wonderland to be sure, this campground is a true counter to the mainstream culture in which most of us dwell. It is a community, as well as a place to pass through or vacation. It is a place of rainbows, a place where the giant arms of live oak trees curve and bend around slender-ous, skybound pines and shelter magnolia and dwarf palmettos. It is a place where the people unite with nature to embrace you – whoever you are – and you know that you are already home.

Yeah…I’ll be staying a while. After all, I’m going to need plenty of time to really write about this most beautiful land and its inspiring stewards. Not to mention my new wolfpack! But, that is yet another story altogether. Stayed tuned!

My setup at undisclosed location

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